Since apparently people care what I think (or so I've been told) and everyone loves being told what to pick I've written a quick tier list for competitive/tourney worthy junglers. Keep in mind, this factors in how valuable that champion is in the jungle spot ALL game, not just at clearing the jungle. This means that despite Master Yi having a nice jungle route, I personally think his sole purpose later will be to feed the enemy team or backdoor towers as in competitive play people tend to focus dangerous targets rather than in solo queue where everything is apparently invisible to your allies except when they blame you for dying 1v5. Without further rambling:
Tier 1: Nunu, Amumu
Tier 2: Warwick, Nocturne, Trundle, Lee Sin
Tier 3: Rammus, Alistar, Maokai, Olaf, Cho'Gath
Tier 4: Shaco, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn
Tier 5: Xin Zhao, Udyr, Tryndamere, Renekton
Tier I don't care: Everyone else unless I get wrecked at Dreamhack then I'll stealthily change the list and act like I was correct all along.
Tier 1: These guys are probably going to be banned or picked in 75% of games for competitive tournament matches as they excel in an area (support/roam/teamfight) and are very strong in the areas they don't excel in.
Tier 2: While not as dominant as the tier above, these guys are very strong picks to jungle as they do their role well, however unlike the tier above, they may be fairly weak in a certain area or not truly dominant in an area like above.
Tier 3: These guys are competent at jungling but tend to be extremely weak in a certain area and won't be as dominant in the support/roam/dragon role compared to the above tiers. Or in Alistar/chogath's case, I'd rather just see them lane than taking up a spot in jungle.
Tier 4: Useful in jungle but tend to be far less versatile than the above tiers and tend to be a really focused 'gimmick'. That said, these guys are really strong at that one area even if they're fairly weak in the other areas.
Tier 5: Mostly filled with people that are simply outshined by other tiers but are still capable of beating the champions that nobody would jungle with by a nice margin.
Tier don't care: While some of the champions in this area could work (Karthus), I doubt any of them will prove to be ready/useful enough for Dreamhack. That said, if our team does manage to lose to something from this tier, you can safely know that I'll stealthily change it to save face.
So for the upcoming Dreamhack tournament, these are my initial thoughts at a quick jungle tier list which hopefully will give non participants of what to expect or what to use for their team lineups. Depending on what happens at Dreamhack, I could either completely change this list or act like a god and claim I was right all along so this list may or may not change in the week following Dreamhack.
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