so, I dont rly play 3 of the champs, but I know we have some members that should be able to help you
I will however give an input on you Janna - since she was my main until recently (and prob will be again now after heal nerf)
Honestly you dont even need a build on janna
I remember whe I was <1100 elo and climbing out of that holeI used to go ap Janna (roa, mejais and cap - and its awesome at low elo to get yourself out of there) - I would however not do that again (although ap janna mid is pretty awesome)
As a support you rarely have the chance to farm (and with janna yo dont need to) 90% of the time you'll be laning with someone that has a higher need for items and gold, which is why you let them have it - janna's role is to save her team when they get in trouble (knockup, slow, shield = too good) an to harrass the enemy as good as you can in lane (cant run out of mana though)
with all that cc you hardly need any items to be good
My itemsI start of with
- fairie pendant (the 3mp5 - sorry if I remebered the name wrong)
- 2 hp pots
- 3 green wards
reason: the mana regen is best and you'l be neding that fr your next item, hp pots are for you not to have to return justbecause you get caught off guard early on, the wards are for your lan security, place them strategically places in bushes and in the river to protect you from junglers and annoying enemies (ex: I usuallyput a ard in the brush if a blitz/sion/taric wanna play hide and seek, that way your lane partner can harrass them and the minions will go for them)
next: (I usually go back when I have about 800-1100 g)
- upgrade to philo stone
- basic boots (if you can afford it - unless save it for nest time)
- wards (if you have to get back earlier Id usually always get at least one ward over buying my philo, in the end keeping your lane partner safe i more important than your income) - consider a pink for dragon
next: (first I look at the opposin team - are they warding - do they have stealthers - etc etc)
- if its a yes Ill be getting an oracle here (unless they seem to have it in for you, and youre dying a lot, but that should rarely be an issue)
- heart of gold (for the health and the gp5)
- wards (after this point I always have min 5 green wards in my bags - I make sure dragon and baron alway is warded and other important places/brushes)
- upgrade boots (I go swiftness cus its fun, but lucidity is def a good choice)
- start on that aegis
- wards (got it now?
- about the time when I start to buy a blue potion aswell
its very rare that the game goes on this long, with me no farming and buying lots of wards, and keeping oracle up the gameis usually ove by the time I get here
if its no t my next item depends on the teams and how its going
I have an ap heavy team: get a will of the ancient (if no one else haves)
I have an ad heavy team: get a starks
They are mean and focusing me: some kind of health, banshee or upgrading to s shurelia
Its just a fun stomp and not rly anythin to be worried about: deathcap
I have only one gotten more than one of these late game items so I rarely consider them
hope it wa useful - I rarely get to tell ppl about support so Im excited when someone asks about it ^^